But because she was the start of the Vocaloid revolution, Miku's creators decided that she deserved the number "01". As for Vocaloid, Mizki and Yuma were actually created long before Miku was, and so her number "01" is actually quite innacurate.

As for Megpoids and Gackpoids, Gumi and Gakupo are the first of their kinds. Utauloids, Megpoids, and Gackpoids are all different forms of the Vocaloid software. Utauloids: Teto, Ritsu, Ruko, Tei, Haku, Momo Most iconic song: The World Tonight by CircusP Song Recommendations: Some Other Time by Ant Taffy Mean Speed Machine by yoyodaman234 Memory by CircusP Fun Leon facts: His voice provider has been described by Zero-G as 'Black and British'. Vocaloids: Miku, Rin, Len, Piko, Luka, Lily, Miki, Yuki, Aoki, SeeU, Meiko, Kaito, Rion, Akiko, IA, CUL, Mizki, Yuma Furihata Ai, CV of More More Jump!'s Momoi Airi, has also appeared in the same franchise, voicing Kurosawa Ruby.A list of the important Vocaloids, Utauloids, ect.:

In the game directory files, 25-ji, Nightcord de.In order after that MEIKO was added with the event " Secret Distance", Luka with " Carnation Recollection", Len with " Guiding a Lost Child to What Lies Beyond", and KAITO with " Immiscible Discord". This document below is a list of events pertaining to Vocaloids and the history of the software, release dates, and other major events.Kagamine Rin was later added along with the event " Unsatisfied Pale Color".

Make a List Browse Lists Search Lists Leaders Help / Contact Newsletter. Sign In Trending New Popular type to search. is the only group introduced with one virtual singer. These are, in my humble opinion, the 100 best Vocaloid songs.